React Native Text Watcher

React Native Text Watcher

Detects and Warns you unwrapped text strings in React Native projects before react native itself throws an exception.

    Main Showcase - React Native Text Watcher
    Custom Configuration - React Native Text Watcher
    VSCode Extension Page - React Native Text Watcher
    Main Showcase - React Native Text Watcher
    Custom Configuration - React Native Text Watcher
    VSCode Extension Page - React Native Text Watcher
May 18, 2024

React Native Text Watcher

Welcome to the React Native Text Watcher extension! This extension helps you catch a common mistake in React Native development by providing warnings when text strings are not wrapped within a <Text> component.


  • 📐 Accurate JSX Parsing: Precisely identifies JSX portions in your code.
  • ⚠️ Text Wrapping Warnings: Get warnings when you don't wrap text strings within a <Text> component.
  • 🔍 Smart Detection: Warns you in most cases except for function calls that return strings or string variables.



  • A project with react-native in package.json dependencies.
  • The extension activates only for .tsx and .jsx files.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • reactNativeTextWatcher.enable: Enable/disable this extension.
  • reactNativeTextWatcher.severity: Set the severity of the warnings (default: Warning).

Known Issues

  • Does not currently warn for function calls that return strings or string variables.

Release Notes


  • Initial release of React Native Text Watcher.
  • Improved JSX parsing accuracy.
  • Enhanced warning messages.

Future Plans

  • 🚀 Function Call Detection: Introduce the ability to warn on function calls that return strings or string variables.
  • 💡 Component Type Detection: Rely on the type of the component to avoid warnings for custom text components.

Personal Note

I am fairly new to React Native. I somehow managed to build a music app using React Native for my final year project. During that period, I often encountered this error: "Text strings must be rendered within a <Text> component."

It wasn't a serious error, but it was definitely annoying when I forgot to wrap a text with the <Text> component. That error screen with the red header was a constant source of frustration.

So, I came up with this small VS Code extension, React Native Text Watcher. It's not complete but offers a good enough solution to give you warnings in obvious cases.

I'm open to collaboration! If you have any ideas or improvements, feel free to contribute.

Enjoy! 🎉